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Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

Tutorial: Simple Smokey Eyes Natural Chocolate

Check Video >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fz7ZIZFs_g&feature=player_embedded

Tips and Tricks:

     1. Use a dark brown eyeshadow along the eyelid. Little and not too far from the eye line.
     2. With the help of a brush angle, put a line under the eyes of the same color eyeshadow. Enough third part of the outer corner of the eye.
     3. Take the red eyeshadow brown, then blend in the brown eyeshadow limit. You can also connect the corners of the eyes and under eye lines.
     4. Greed part contour eyeshadow that blends with the color of skin.
     5. At the corner of the eye, give a white eyeshadow. Also on the brow bone.
     6. Give liquid eyeliner on the top line of the eye.
     7. Pinch eyelashes, mascara give. Pairs of false eyelashes if you like.
     8. Do not forget to give the impression of natural full eyebrows, especially if you are thin eyebrows.
     9. For cheeks, you can wear a soft pink color. Thin.
     10. For lipstick, use a color close to natural lip blush.

Easy is not it? Good luck :)

credit: www.vamele.com/

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